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Category: reflection

Real Life Now (SOLS)

Today it is grey. The weather has turned (at least for now) and the leaves rustle gold and rust under my feet. My thoughts swirl like the autumn breeze and I wonder if, maybe, this season is my favorite. I think about the beef and noodles that will fill our bowls and the Honeycrisp apples ready to crunch for dessert. My mind twirls the places of the week. Soccer fields and Scout hall and church and football fields and after school pick up. I wonder how we will ever keep… Read more Real Life Now (SOLS)

don’t let establishing routines sacrifice readers and writers

“You’re a left winger! You’re a left winger!” The coach runs along the sideline of the scrimmage. “You’re not trees — move! You need to protect the goal. Move up! Attack!” His feedback is constant. “You’re a left winger! Over here, this is your territory! Be ready for the pass. You’re a left winger!” He directs according to position. “You’re a goalkeeper! That’s how you protect the goal!” He knows soccer. He talks soccer. There are no worksheets on the positions.There are no lectures about what each player does.There isn’t… Read more don’t let establishing routines sacrifice readers and writers

summer ends

There are people in this world who thrive on a schedule. They love order. Predictability sustains them. There is security in minutes counted and to do lists checked. I’m not really one of these people. Last Monday I returned to school. I didn’t prepare, but instead, I just jumped in — cold turkey, so to speak. Four days in and I’ve converted. My kids (not the ones I spend the day in school with, but the ones who live in my house) don’t start school until next week. They are… Read more summer ends