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Category: family

energy for today

Andy smiles as I stir awake. The alarm sounds hours after I prefer. I groan, because of the disappointment of missing my bedtime and needing the sleep to restore. “Don’t worry,” he says, “We have the whole day.” Sam’s footsteps on the steps make me smile, but not as much as the way he runs from the doorway to me, flinging himself onto the couch in a full hug. He giggles. It restores my soul.He jumps down, picks three books off of the shelf and tosses them on the couch… Read more energy for today

opening books together

“I’d rather stay home with Mom.” I’m not even joking, these are the exact words out of Sam’s mouth when we asked him to get ready to go to Club Riot, the Wednesday evening meeting for kids every March and October. The girls love it. Sam always opts to stay home. I thought he’d go this time around.Is it bad that a little part of me is glad he turned it down again to stay home with me? Before the rest of the family was even out of the garage,… Read more opening books together

a day of slices

Coffee gurglesScripture stirsWords tap Andy kissesKids hugParents smileBuffy wags Students chatFriend complimentsTests returned Emails sentTech helpStudent plansLunch dialogue Airfare purchasedReservations securedConference confirmed Conversation swirlsTeacher chatBag packed Teacher meetSon pick-upGroceries bought Meatloaf assembledLego constructionDaughter chat Grey walkWind whipsRain drops Dinner consumedDishes washedCookies baked Baths bubbleTeeth scrubbedClothes chosen Grandparent visitDinner givenQuiet talk Jammies comfortBooks openHearts pray Mouth yawnsComputer opensBook revised Blogs readPosts writtenDay complete Click on the image to join us atTwo Writing Teachers for the MarchSlice of Life Challenge.


From en·am·or  tr.v. en·am·ored, en·am·or·ing, en·am·ors To inspire with love; captivate I think this world could use more people being enamored with people. You know, to be completely taken, totally blown away by how remarkable someone is. Simply being enchanted by another person. Today I was enamored by Jordan and the way he draws people in and makes them smile. He is constantly being complimented on his manners. Today I was enamored by Stephanie and the way she has learned self-control. She is teaching herself to do the things she doesn’t want to do.… Read more enamored

learning to care

There are a few things we are born knowing how to do: breathing, blinking, crying, eating. Caring is not one of these things. Humans are not born knowing how to care. We learn to care. It is often a natural part of development, so natural it is easy for us to forget we learn to care. Sometimes kids live hard lives, bouncing from home to home. They survive, but at the same time there are many feelings they don’t know because of all the wrong feelings they do know. For… Read more learning to care


Sam had an appointment with an oral surgeon. He was more nervous than a seven year old boy should be. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him nervous, so to ease the anxiety, I let him bring Ducky. When we pulled into the parking space he said, “Don’t open the door right away. I need to shove Duck into my pocket.” I looked in the mirror and caught his eyes. His smile may have been embarrassed. Ducky, Duck, Duck-Man, Duck-a-Reno was a “gift” from my mom when Sam was born.… Read more in-between