25 Reasons Why People Don’t Write & 25 Things To Do About It

Why People Don’t Write
  1. No ideas.
  2. No audience.
  3. No purpose.
  4. No desire.
  5. No vision.
  6. They think their writing isn’t good enough.
  7. The blank page…they don’t know how to get started.
  8. They don’t want to sound dumb.
  9. Lazy.
  10. Tired.
  11. Stressed.
  12. There’s too much to write about.
  13. There’s not enough to write about.
  14.  Other people are better writers.
  15. Not enough tenacity.
  16. Believe the lies the writing monsters tell them.
  17. No inspiration.
  18. No living, breathing writers in their daily lives.
  19. No feedback.
  20. Fear.
  21. Not enough time.
  22. Little understanding of Standard English. (Embarrassed to make a mistake.)
  23. Little understanding of genre knowledge.
  24.  Unrealistic view of how writers work.
  25.  Never talk about their writing process.
 What To Do About It
  1. Write.
  2. Read.
  3. Talk.
  4. Write.
  5. Read.
  6. Talk.
  7. Write.
  8. Read.
  9. Talk.
  10. Write.
  11. Read.
  12. Talk.
  13. Write.
  14. Read.
  15. Talk.
  16. Write.
  17. Read.
  18. Talk.
  19. Write.
  20. Read.
  21. Talk.
  22. Write.
  23. Read.
  24. Talk.
  25. Write.

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  1. You've been in my head with the reasons not to write. All that changed when I took your challenge to write in March several years ago. Look at me now, I'm still writing. Thanks Ruth! 🙂