No More NOT GOOD ENOUGH {37 of 40 Stories}

Moses spoke with God through a burning bush.
Moses parted the Red Sea and helped the Israelites escape Egypt.
Moses received the 10 Commandments.

For all of the amazing ways the Lord worked through Moses, it may come as a surprise that Moses didn’t believe he was good enough.

It’s true. Standing there in bare feet, because he was on holy ground, beside a burning bush, after God told him it was his duty to lead the Israelites out of slavery, Moses responds, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it” (Exodus 4:13).

I know how Moses felt. Well, not exactly because I can’t imagine being called to lead an entire nation of people out of bondage, but I understand the thought of maybe someone else could be a better choice.

I’ve been tempted to blame these feelings of not being good enough on my age or my gender or the fact that I’m a recovering perfectionist. But the truth of the matter is the enemy has been attacking humankind since the beginning with the lie of not being good enough.

Moses wasn’t immune and neither am I.

The next verse, though, cracks my heart.

Then the Lord’s anger burned…

God was angry that Moses suggested someone else should do the work laid before him. He was disappointed that Moses didn’t trust Him enough. He was furious that Moses questioned His plan. Still…Do you know what God did with His burning anger?

He gave Moses support. God said, “Aaron can help you. I can speak and teach through both of you.”

Not good enough is one of the biggest lies out there attacking our faith. God has work for each of us to do and when we succumb to the  belief that we aren’t good enough, that there’s someone else better, we miss our chance to make the world a better place.

Maybe instead of running away when we feel we aren’t good enough, we should follow Moses’ lead and say it aloud, straight to God. We can expect God to be angry, but we can also expect him to support and encourage and find a way for the work He has for each of us to do to be completed.

Not good enough is not going to stop me any more. I hope the same is true for you.

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